I hope everyone has a great week ahead! It sounds like there are arctic temperatures everywhere. As for me, I like the cold with snow. And apparently where I live is the only state in the South (minus Florida!) that isn't getting snow. What the heck?! I'd like a snow day before I go back to work, please...
I'd really like to ask you all to pray for my sweet girl. She developed a UTI last week. No infection is good and no one likes to see their baby hurting, but getting a UTI is a little concerning for Hadley.
When I was pregnant, we were sent to a high-risk OB for extra testing. Thank goodness that what they were looking for came back normal, but the doctor did find some renal pyelectasis in her right kidney. We had an ultrasound done once she was 2 weeks old and the renal pyelectasis was still there, no better, no worse.
According to the doctors, it was small enough that there shouldn't be any issues. No further testing was necessary unless she developed a UTI.
Well, here we are. Because she has a UTI and she's only 2 1/2 months old, her pediatrician feels like it would be a good idea to get another ultrasound to check for changes and do a VCUG.
Best case scenario: The renal pyelectasis has fixed itself and this UTI was just an isolated event.
Worst case scenario: It's worsened and surgery may be in the future.
Obviously there is a lot of in between there, but as a nurse I know too much and my mind goes crazy with worry!
Please pray for my girl! For healing, for lack of pain, and answers. And if you have any prayers left, maybe one for me? This momma majorly stresses about the little things, so I'm extremely anxious about this. Thank you so much!
Your family is in my prayers! Hoping the best for your sweet girl.