Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year in Review- 2013

I do have a Christmas post coming, but I figured since we are about to ring in a new year, and Christmas has already passed, I should post the new year post first.  I really should get better about writing my posts in advance. :)  2013 has literally been the best year of my life.  How could it not be?  I brought my beautiful daughter into this world.  I'd like to remember it, so here's a little recap.


I had to work New Year's Eve last year!  My friend Jessica and I rang in the New Year with a Tiger win against LSU!  Go  CLEMSON Tigers!
Also notable-- celebrated the birth of our friends Phil and Emily's little girl!


Aside from her birth, this was probably my favorite month.  The day I found out I was pregnant.  February 16th.  A day I will always remember. :)


We told my family about their new family member on the way!
Also notable-- my 26th birthday :) and spent some time in the hospital for dreaded morning sickness...

Our peanut was finally starting to look like a baby! :)

We celebrated my cousin Amy's graduation from UNC!
Also notable: I left work early one morning (or late...however you want to look at night shift!) and headed to triage for some issues; celebrated my first mother's day, and we told the world about our baby!


We found out we were having a girl!!  Although I already knew that. :)
Also notable--We celebrated the marriage of our good friends Jess and Jake! And a visit to the high risk OB for a baby check.

We celebrated this guy's birthday!! 5 years old already...

We got Hadley's furniture all set up in her room.  
Also notable: Another check at the high risk doctor--all went well and we were released!


I finished the blanket I made for my girl!
Also notable--we had our first baby shower!


Our beautiful Hadley was born!  Two weeks early and absolutely beautiful.
Also notable--we had our 2nd baby shower and I ended up on bed rest on week 36.


Hadley had her first play date with Ella Rose, the daughter of one of David's good friends, Mark!   Ella Rose is about 3 weeks older than Hadley!
Also notable- Hadley celebrated her first Thanksgiving with Grammy, Nana, Grandpop, and Aunt Susan.


Hadley celebrated her first Christmas at just 2 months old.  David and I celebrated our first Christmas as a family of three!

2014...you've got a lot to live up to!

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