Monday, June 8, 2015

Hadley's Summer Bucket List #1 and #2

I am so excited to be adding another member to our family in October!  I will admit, I was really surprised and it took me a while to realize that Hadley isn't going to be my baby very much longer.  I thought I had more time, haha!  But God had different plans and here we are.  (She will, however, still be my baby girl--so glad I will still be able to say that for now!)

Now, I'm realizing that this is my last summer with just my girl.  I want to spend as much time with her one-on-one as possible before our worlds change, so I sat down the last week of May to create a summer bucket list!

I don't know that we will get to all 50 things on the list, but that's okay--we can roll them over to next year with both babies!

We started checking things off the first week of June!

#1: eat a popsicle
      We blew up a baby pool on our back deck, put a slide on the side, and she went to town!  She had   so much fun playing and "swimming"!  I don't know about you, but swimming always makes me hungry, so we whipped out the popsicles (before dinner, too!) and she ate hers like a champ--in the pool!

#2: rent books from the library
      I love reading.  It's something I got from my mom and my grandmom.  And I want to pass it along to Hadley, too.  There is just something about being transported to and lost in a different world. So one rainy, cool day we headed to the library to get a library card, sign up for the summer reading program, and rent some books!


I wonder what we will get into this week?